Last chance to join the call for the new Education Crisis Platform to be adequately and sustainably financed

kolleen bouchaneBy Kolleen Bouchane, Their World

Around the world, emergencies and protracted crises disrupted the education of 80 million children and adolescents in 2015. Despite this, education in emergency contexts received less than 2 percent of all humanitarian funding last year. At the Oslo Education Summit in July 2015, a joint Call to Action signed by more than 40 organisations set the work in motion to create an Education Crisis Platform and Breakthrough Fund to urgently address the need to make education a key part of humanitarian response.

The Education Crisis Platform and Breakthrough Fund will be launched during the first ever World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul in May 2016. A high level of ambition on the part of donors at this launch will be critical to ensuring that we close the $9 billion annual funding gap and make sure that all children in emergencies do not lose out on their right to quality education.

The Global Campaign for Education — U.S. Chapter and Theirworld are circulating a joint Call to Action so that the new Platform and Breakthrough Fund are adequately and sustainably financed. The Call highlights the need for the Fund to:

  • be financed with multi-year donor commitments,
  • be supported by new funding and resources that are ambitious enough to address the scale of the crisis in education and emergencies,
  • be supported by resources that are additional, and not at the expense of other critical education and poverty-fighting interventions, and
  • build on existing financing mechanisms so as to ensure smooth transition from crisis response to longer term development of education systems.

5715117429_1f84c86e5a_zThis is an important opportunity for the education advocacy and humanitarian advocacy community to come together to transform the prioritisation of education in emergencies and protracted crises.

The deadline for joining the Call to Action is today – April 5th.

To sign on, please email Lauren Petersil at the Global Campaign for Education on or James Cox of Theirworld at




  1. Education is for the purpose of being able to perpetually and positively influence mind of the individual so that he or she could use knowledge, skills and right dispositions to create the future desired. The test of this is not a certificate but the quality of thinking the student desplays after training. This is more urgent in crises situation than otherwise. So, let us emphaisize these in educating crises zone child so that they will be better prepared to adapt to non-crises life after the passage of the crises.

  2. Indeed it is a great effort to tackle the education crisis. As I also seen a stats which shown that students from European Countries are less interested in Us Degree Programs. It is also a critical Issue to look for.

  3. This is an important opportunity for the education advocacy and humanitarian advocacy community to come together to transform the prioritisation of education in emergencies and protracted crises. So, let us emphaisize these in educating crises zone child so that they will be better prepared to adapt to non-crises life after the passage of the crises.

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