Share your views on the Global Education First Initiative

The EFA Global Monitoring Report team has been asked to conduct a review of the Global Education First Initiative (GEFI) in its first year of action.


GEFI is a five-year initiative led by the United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon. It gathers a broad spectrum of world leaders and advocates who all aspire to use the transformative power of education to build a better future for all. This support of the UN Secretary-General for education is a testament to its enduring importance in sustainable global development. It is also a much-needed reaction to the urgent needs of the 250 million children who are not learning the basics whether in school or not.

Since 2002, the EFA Global Monitoring Report has been an authoritative reference that aims to inform, influence and sustain genuine commitment towards Education for All. The independent report team, based at UNESCO, will carry out an initial review of the main actions and impact accomplished by GEFI in its first year. On the basis of our findings, we will also offer concrete recommendations to strengthen GEFI’s activities in the coming years in ways that are translated into improvement in education for children.

To help with our assessment, we have created a simple survey to gauge the general level of awareness and opinions towards GEFI. All are welcome to share their views and recommendations to help with our review and to inform GEFI’s ongoing work. The survey is also available in French and in Spanish. We look forward to receiving your responses.



  1. Hallo Pauline Rose

    Correct children don’t get basis education 30.000 of them only in the Netherlands A very rich land that controls other plases if childrensrights are correctly

    After an IQ test ,, A child looses the right of basis education , the right of equal treatment in the education if the score is under a certain number The child is not told this before the test, neighter are the parents, who have to give permission for the test They do not know , that they take the risk of losing the right of basis eduction for their child after an IQ test

    In the Netherlands, criminals do not have to make their own situation worse, The legal sytem has to inform criminals correct , thats the law in the Netherlands

    Children and parents do not get correct information . No basis education anymore , no right of a development 50 procent of the criminals in jail have had no basis education in the Netherlands IQ under 80….. No basic education, from the time the child, not even could read , 7 or younger

    I have writen to everyone The autonomic system of education in the Netherlands can do it with children. Everybody knows, no one helps the children to get just basis education Even the advise of a doctor , to help a child can be ignored during education school The autonomic education system covers it al

    The Netherlands and childrensrights…..not after the IQ test…. then the child has not the right of getting basis education any more I wisch someone would care about the future of children Even a rich land as the Netherlands, does not give children the benefit of the douth and offers children basis education and follow up the advise of a doctor I hope you find the time to answer I hope you can change it for all the children I hope all children get at least basis education

    The education system in the Netherlands takes the rights of basis education away from children, No equal traitment in education anymore for thousands of very young children

    The people in the education system do not inform the parents about this before the IQ test Children learn from children The weekest children need that the most. but sadly they are denied even basis education in a very rich land as the Netherlands

    Artikel 1 … human rights not for all humans in the Netherlands

    With kind regards Irmgard Jacobs

  2. Educating the youths is very important. Giving the right education is essential. It seems most of the educational institutions promote the obtention of certificates and diplomes rather in the gaining of applicable knowledge. Less attention is shown on how the knowledge gained can be applied in the education-to-work transition, in the various communities. In Cameroon tell e youth entrying the University to read a particular course that he/she will apply the knowledge gained in his/her community and he/she will tell you that the most important thing is have the University degree and from there you can apply for any job……..

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