Inside the figures: How the finance gap for Education-2030 was calculated

You may have seen the recent GMR estimates that there is an annual $39 billion finance gap for achieving new education targets by 2030. They have appeared in the working paper about financing by the Sustainable Development Solution Network, the report by the Overseas Development Institute on a global social compact, the background paper by Brookings for the Oslo Summit, and the recent Malala Fund report on twelve years of education. They were widely discussed in the side-event at Addis during the Financing for Development Conference.

The EFA Global Monitoring Report would like its estimates to be used more extensively in the coming months and years as existing mechanisms are strengthened or new mechanisms are being established. The more we can publicise the extent of the finance gap, and the thorough methodology behind its calculation, the more traditional and new donors may take note of it. For that reason, we are making the tools available to enable those interested in education financing to check for themselves how different assumptions made by our team affect the cost implications. With the support of a short guide, users can go through the model and consult the data sources.

Comments and suggestions on how the model can be improved will be welcome on this blog.

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